Essential Items to Pack in Your First-Night Box


Moving into a new home can be an exciting but overwhelming experience. With so many tasks to complete and items to pack, it can be easy to overlook important essentials that you may need on your first night in your new space. That’s why it’s crucial to create a “first-night box” filled with the necessary items to help you settle in comfortably. In this blog post, we will discuss essential items to pack in your first-night box to ensure a smooth transition into your new home.

1. Bedding and pillows

One of the most important items to include in your first-night box is bedding and pillows. After a long day of moving, all you will want to do is collapse into a comfortable bed. Having your own bedding and pillows will make this process easier and ensure that you have a good night’s sleep in your new home.

2. Toiletries

No one wants to wake up on their first morning in a new place only to realize they don’t have their toothbrush, toothpaste, or other essential toiletries. To avoid this inconvenience, pack a toiletry bag with all the necessary items in your first-night box. This way, you can freshen up and start your day feeling clean and refreshed.

3. Shower essentials

In addition to toiletries, it’s essential to pack shower essentials in your first-night box. This includes items such as soap, shampoo, conditioner, and a towel. Having these items readily available will allow you to take a shower and refresh yourself after a tiring day of moving.

4. Change of clothes

Moving can be messy, and it’s likely that you’ll be dirty and sweaty by the end of the day. That’s why it’s crucial to pack a change of clothes in your first-night box. Having clean clothes to change into will make you feel more comfortable and help you settle into your new home.

5. Electronics and chargers

In today’s digital age, it’s essential to have your electronic devices and chargers easily accessible. Make sure to pack your phone, laptop, tablet, or any other devices you may need in your first-night box. Additionally, don’t forget to include the necessary chargers so that you can stay connected and entertained during your first night in your new home.

6. Snacks and beverages

Moving can be a tiring process, and it’s unlikely that you’ll have the time or energy to cook a meal on your first night in your new home. That’s why it’s a good idea to pack some snacks and beverages in your first-night box. This way, you’ll have something to munch on when hunger strikes without having to go through the hassle of finding a nearby store or restaurant.

7. Medications

If you or anyone in your family takes medication regularly, it’s crucial to pack these medications in your first-night box. This way, you won’t have to search through boxes to find them in case of an emergency or if it’s time for a dose. Keep any necessary medications easily accessible to ensure the well-being of everyone in your household.

8. Important documents

When moving, it’s essential to keep important documents handy and secure. These documents may include your identification cards, passports, Social Security cards, birth certificates, and insurance policies. Packing these documents in your first-night box will ensure that they are safe and easily accessible in case you need them during the moving process.


Creating a first-night box with essential items is crucial for a smooth transition into your new home. By packing items like bedding, toiletries, shower essentials, a change of clothes, electronics and chargers, snacks and beverages, medications, and important documents, you can ensure that you’re prepared and comfortable during your first night in your new space. So, don’t forget to pack these essential items and make your move a little less stressful.

Need a Moving Company in Stevensville, MD?

Established in 2004, Delmarva Moving & Transport is a moving company located in Stevensville, Maryland. We provide moving services to all of Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Washington DC, West Virginia, Virginia, and some parts of North Carolina. Our team specializes in moving residential, small businesses, apartments, and seniors, along with big items like safes and pianos. Contact us today and we can provide a detailed estimate, moving planners, checklists, packing supplies, and more!

How to Time Your Move Perfectly


Moving can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, but with proper planning and organization, you can ensure a smooth transition that fits your lifestyle and schedule. Creating a moving checklist is an essential step to help you time your move perfectly and alleviate some of the stress. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of creating a moving checklist that will ensure your move is seamless and hassle-free.

1. Determine Your Moving Date

The first step in timing your move is to determine your ideal moving date. Consider factors such as lease agreements, work schedules, school calendars, and any other commitments that may impact your desired timeframe. Give yourself sufficient time to pack, hire movers if needed, and settle into your new space. Be realistic about how much time you will need, taking into account the size of your current home and the distance you are moving.

2. Create a Timeline

Once you have established your moving date, create a timeline leading up to the big day. Break down the tasks into manageable chunks and assign a timeframe for each one. Start with tasks that can be done well in advance, such as researching moving companies, obtaining packing materials, and decluttering your home. Then, work your way towards more time-sensitive tasks like notifying utilities and arranging for mail forwarding. By having a clear timeline, you can track your progress and ensure that tasks are completed in a timely manner.

3. Declutter and Sort Belongings

Moving presents a perfect opportunity to declutter and get rid of items you no longer need or use. As you go through your belongings, sort them into three categories: keep, donate, and discard. Make a checklist of each room in your home and set specific goals for decluttering and organizing. Be ruthless in your decisions, and remember that the fewer items you have to pack, the smoother your move will be. Plan to donate or discard unwanted items well before your moving date to avoid unnecessary clutter and stress.

4. Obtain Moving Supplies

Having the necessary packing supplies on hand is crucial for an efficient move. Make a detailed inventory of the supplies you’ll need, including boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, markers, and labels. Create a checklist of the items and quantities required. Start gathering these supplies early in your timeline to avoid any last-minute scrambling. Consider using eco-friendly materials when possible, such as recyclable boxes or biodegradable packing peanuts, to reduce waste and be more environmentally conscious.

5. Hire Professional Movers (If Needed)

If you decide to hire professional movers, it’s essential to do your research and book them well in advance. Get recommendations from friends, read online reviews, and obtain estimates from multiple companies. Discuss your specific requirements with the movers, such as the size of your home, any specialty items, and the distance of your move. Once you have chosen a reputable moving company, confirm the booking and include it on your timeline to ensure a smooth and coordinated move.

6. Notify Important Parties

Notify important parties of your upcoming move to avoid any disruptions or delays. Contact your utility companies and schedule the disconnection of services in your current home and the connection of services in your new home. Notify your internet, cable, and telephone providers to ensure a seamless transition of services. Don’t forget to inform the post office of your change of address and arrange for your mail to be forwarded. Make a checklist of all the parties that need to be notified and keep track of your communications to ensure nothing is missed.

7. Pack Strategically

Packing is often the most time-consuming task when moving, so it’s crucial to plan and organize the process. Start by packing items that you rarely use, such as out-of-season clothes and decorative pieces. Label each box with the room it belongs to and a brief description of its contents. Consider creating a color-coded system, where each room is assigned a specific color, and the corresponding boxes are labeled accordingly. Packing strategically will make the unpacking process significantly easier and less stressful.

8. Create an Essentials Box

As you near your moving date, set aside a box of essential items that you will need immediately upon arrival at your new home. This box should include items such as toiletries, a change of clothes, towels, bedding, basic kitchen supplies, and any important documents. Label this box clearly and keep it easily accessible during the move. Having an essentials box will save you from unnecessary searching and provide some comfort as you settle into your new space.


Timing your move perfectly involves careful planning and organization. By creating a moving checklist and following a timeline, you can ensure that your move fits your lifestyle and schedule seamlessly. Remember to declutter and sort your belongings, obtain necessary supplies, hire professional movers if needed, and notify important parties in advance. Packing strategically and creating an essentials box will make the moving process smoother and less stressful. So, embrace the opportunity and plan your move with precision – you’ll be settling into your new home in no time!

Need a Moving Company in Stevensville, MD?

Established in 2004, Delmarva Moving & Transport is a moving company located in Stevensville, Maryland. We provide moving services to all of Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Washington DC, West Virginia, Virginia, and some parts of North Carolina. Our team specializes in moving residential, small businesses, apartments, and seniors, along with big items like safes and pianos. Contact us today and we can provide a detailed estimate, moving planners, checklists, packing supplies, and more!

How to Protect Your Belongings from Cold and Moisture


Moving can be a stressful endeavor, and when you add cold weather and moisture into the mix, it can become even more challenging. Cold temperatures and wet conditions can potentially damage your belongings if not properly protected. To ensure the safety of your items during a winter move, it is essential to take proactive measures. In this blog post, we will discuss effective strategies to protect your belongings from cold and moisture during a winter move.

1. Wrap and Seal Your Items

The first step to safeguarding your belongings is to wrap and seal them appropriately. Use sturdy, waterproof packing materials such as plastic wrap or garbage bags to cover your furniture, electronics, and other items. This will act as a barrier against dampness and help prevent moisture from seeping into your belongings. Additionally, consider using blankets or furniture padding to provide an extra layer of insulation and protection against the cold.

2. Use Climate-Controlled Storage

If there’s a significant time gap between leaving your current home and moving into the new one, you may need to use a storage facility. Opt for a climate-controlled storage unit to protect your items from extreme temperatures and humidity. These units are equipped with heating and cooling systems that regulate the temperature and prevent moisture buildup. Climate-controlled storage ensures that your belongings are kept in optimal conditions throughout the duration of your move.

3. Avoid Packing Wet Items

In winter, it’s common for moisture to find its way into your home, whether it’s from snow, rain, or slush. Before you start packing, ensure that your items are dry. Packing wet items can lead to mold and mildew growth, and potentially ruin your belongings. If you need to move items that are damp, properly dry them before packing or consider using absorbent materials like towels to absorb any remaining moisture.

4. Protect Your Electronics

Electronic devices are particularly sensitive to cold and moisture. To protect them during your winter move, consider packing them in their original boxes, if available. These boxes often come with protective foam or padding that offers better insulation. If original packaging is not available, use sturdy boxes and wrap electronics in bubble wrap or soft towels. Keep them away from colder areas of the moving truck and make sure they are securely packed to prevent any damage.

5. Insulate Your Boxes

To further protect your belongings from temperature fluctuations, use insulating materials inside your moving boxes. Bubble wrap, old blankets, or even crumpled newspaper can provide an additional layer of insulation. This will help regulate the temperature inside the boxes and protect your items from cold and dampness. Remember to seal your boxes properly to prevent any moisture from seeping in.

6. Monitor the Temperature

During your move, keep an eye on the temperature both inside and outside the moving truck. Extreme cold temperatures can seriously damage fragile items like glassware, paintings, or musical instruments. Consider using a thermometer to monitor the temperature inside the truck and adjust accordingly. If needed, make use of portable heaters or insulation blankets to maintain a stable temperature inside the truck.

7. Properly Prepare Appliances

Appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers require special care when moving in cold weather. Drain all water from these appliances to prevent freezing and potential damage. Disconnect hoses and allow them to dry completely before packing them separately. It’s also crucial to let these appliances acclimate to room temperature for a few hours after arriving at your new location before plugging them in.

8. Check for Leaks and Insulation

Before relocating to your new home, ensure that it is adequately insulated and protected against leaks. Cold air and moisture can seep into your new space, potentially causing damage to your belongings. Check for drafty windows and doors, and seal any gaps or cracks. If necessary, use weatherstripping or caulking to ensure that your new home remains warm and dry during the move.


Moving during the winter presents unique challenges, particularly when it comes to protecting your belongings from cold and moisture. By taking preventative measures such as wrapping and sealing your items, using climate-controlled storage, and properly insulating your boxes, you can minimize the risk of damage. Additionally, monitor the temperature, properly prepare appliances, and check for leaks and insulation in your new home to ensure the safety of your belongings. With these strategies in mind, you can confidently navigate your winter move while keeping your items safe and secure.

Need a Moving Company in Stevensville, MD?

Established in 2004, Delmarva Moving & Transport is a moving company located in Stevensville, Maryland. We provide moving services to all of Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Washington DC, West Virginia, Virginia, and some parts of North Carolina. Our team specializes in moving residential, small businesses, apartments, and seniors, along with big items like safes and pianos. Contact us today and we can provide a detailed estimate, moving planners, checklists, packing supplies, and more!

How to Successfully Move in the Winter


Moving during the winter season may seem intimidating, but with proper planning and a strategic approach, it can actually be a great time to move. This blog post explores best practices for a safe and methodical winter move, highlighting the advantages of choosing this off-peak season for your relocation.

1. Plan Ahead and Be Prepared:

Winter weather can be unpredictable, so it’s essential to plan your move well in advance. Start by checking the weather forecast for your moving day and any potential disruptions. Create a detailed moving timeline, allowing extra time for potential delays caused by adverse weather conditions. Also, ensure you have the necessary supplies for cold weather, such as ice melt, shovels, and warm clothing, to ensure a smooth moving process.

2. Hire Professional Movers:

Enlist the help of professional movers experienced in winter relocations. These experts have the expertise and equipment to handle moving tasks in icy or snowy conditions. Professional movers can also help you navigate potentially treacherous road conditions, ensuring the safety of your belongings and minimizing the risk of accidents. Additionally, hiring professionals gives you more time and energy to focus on settling into your new home.

3. Protect Your Belongings:

Winter weather can be harsh on your belongings. To protect your items during a winter move, use suitable packing materials that guard against moisture and extreme temperatures. Wrap fragile items securely, and label boxes accordingly. Consider using plastic bins rather than cardboard boxes, as they are more resistant to water damage. Also, remember to cover your floors with protective materials, like plastic or old rugs, to prevent tracking in snow or slush during the move.

4. Utilize Climate-controlled Transportation:

If you have delicate or temperature-sensitive belongings, consider renting climate-controlled trucks or storage units. These units provide a controlled environment, maintaining a steady temperature and humidity level to protect your possessions from extreme cold. Climate-controlled transportation ensures that your items arrive at their destination in the same condition they were packed, regardless of the winter weather outside.

5. Take Advantage of Lower Moving Costs:

Winter is considered an off-peak season for moving, making it an opportune time to secure better rates with moving companies. Many moving companies offer discounted rates during the winter months, as they experience lower demand. Additionally, service providers and utility companies may also offer better deals during this time, as they are looking to fill their winter schedules. Moving in winter can save you money while still receiving top-quality service.

6. Avoid Traffic Congestion:

Moving during the winter often means less overall traffic and congestion on the roads. With fewer people relocating during this time, you can enjoy a smoother, less stressful commute to your new home. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of accidents and delays due to heavy traffic. Taking advantage of these lower traffic conditions can streamline your move and make it more efficient.


Moving in the winter requires proper planning, but it can be a rewarding and cost-effective experience. By planning ahead, hiring professional movers, protecting your belongings, utilizing climate-controlled transportation, and taking advantage of lower costs and reduced traffic, you can ensure a successful winter move. Despite the challenges posed by winter weather, embracing the benefits of a winter move can lead to a smooth and exciting transition to your new home. So, if you’re considering a move, don’t overlook the advantages of moving during the winter season.

Need a Moving Company in Stevensville, MD?

Established in 2004, Delmarva Moving & Transport is a moving company located in Stevensville, Maryland. We provide moving services to all of Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Washington DC, West Virginia, Virginia, and some parts of North Carolina. Our team specializes in moving residential, small businesses, apartments, and seniors, along with big items like safes and pianos. Contact us today and we can provide a detailed estimate, moving planners, checklists, packing supplies, and more!

Tips for an Efficient and Stress-Free Moving Experience


Moving to a new home can be an exciting but overwhelming experience. The thought of packing up your life and starting anew in a different location can be daunting. However, with proper planning and organization, you can minimize stress and ensure a smooth transition. In this blog, we will share some tips to help make your move as stress-free and efficient as possible.

Start Early

One of the most important tips for a successful move is to start early. Moving requires careful planning and organization, so give yourself plenty of time to prepare. Make a detailed checklist and break down the tasks into manageable chunks. Start decluttering your belongings well in advance and get rid of items you no longer need or use. By starting early, you can avoid last-minute stress and ensure that everything is in order before moving day arrives.

Create a Moving Binder

Staying organized is crucial when it comes to moving. One helpful tip is to create a moving binder. This binder should contain all the important documents and information related to your move, such as moving contracts, leases, moving company details, school records, and utility information. Keeping everything in one place will make it easier to find what you need when you need it, saving you time and reducing stress.

Pack Strategically

When it comes to packing, a strategic approach is key. Start by gathering packing materials such as boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and markers. Make sure to label each box with the contents and the room it belongs to. This will make unpacking much easier. Pack heavier items at the bottom of the boxes and fragile items with extra padding. Use towels, blankets, or clothing to protect delicate items. Take the time to pack your belongings in a way that maximizes efficiency and minimizes the risk of breakage.

Notify Important Parties

To ensure a smooth transition, make sure to notify important parties about your move. This includes updating your address with the post office, banks, credit card companies, insurance providers, and any other organizations that need to know your new address. Inform friends and family of your new contact information as well. This will help avoid confusion and ensure that you continue to receive important mail and documents during and after the move.

Research and Hire a Reputable Moving Company

If you plan to hire a professional moving company, it is essential to do your research and choose a reputable and reliable one. Look for companies with positive reviews and a track record of excellent service. Obtain multiple quotes and compare prices and services offered. Make sure the moving company is licensed and insured. Take the time to read the fine print in the contract to understand the terms and conditions of the move. Hiring a reputable moving company can save you time, hassle, and potential headaches during the moving process.

Pack an Essentials Box

When you arrive at your new home, the last thing you want is to frantically search for essential items. Packing an essentials box will ensure that you have everything you need easily accessible, especially for the first night in your new place. Include items such as toiletries, a change of clothes, bedding, basic kitchen supplies, important documents, and any necessary medications. Having these essentials readily available will make the transition into your new home much smoother.

Enlist Help

Moving can be a monumental task, so don’t be afraid to ask for help. Enlist the assistance of friends and family to help with packing, loading, and unloading. Not only will this make the process go faster, but it can also make it more enjoyable and less stressful. Consider hosting a packing party or offering a meal or refreshments as a token of appreciation for the help. Remember, you don’t have to tackle everything alone.

Stay Positive and Take Breaks

Lastly, throughout the moving process, it’s essential to stay positive and take breaks when needed. Moving can be physically and emotionally draining, so make sure to carve out time to relax and recharge. Get enough sleep, eat well, and take care of yourself. Remember that moving represents a new beginning, and although it may be challenging, it’s an opportunity for growth and a fresh start.


In conclusion, a successful and stress-free move is possible with proper planning and organization. By starting early, creating a moving binder, packing strategically, notifying important parties, hiring a reputable moving company, packing an essentials box, enlisting help, and practicing self-care, you can ensure a smooth transition to your new home. Moving may be a temporary disruption, but a well-executed plan will lead you to a stress-free and efficient experience. Embrace the adventure of a new chapter in your life and enjoy the excitement of settling into your new home.

Need a Moving Company in Stevensville, MD?

Established in 2004, Delmarva Moving & Transport is a moving company located in Stevensville, Maryland. We provide moving services to all of Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Washington DC, West Virginia, Virginia, and some parts of North Carolina. Our team specializes in moving residential, small businesses, apartments, and seniors, along with big items like safes and pianos. Contact us today and we can provide a detailed estimate, moving planners, checklists, packing supplies, and more!