How To Declutter Your Home Before Moving

Woman,and,child,sorting,clothes,and,packing,into,cardboard,box.How To Declutter Your Home Before Moving

Before you move, it’s a good idea to declutter your home. It will help you organize your new space and make your moving process less stressful. One of the best ways to declutter is to start a few months in advance and take it slow. This will give you more time to thoughtfully decide which items to keep, donate or sell and make the process more efficient.

Keep It Simple

Before you start sifting through your belongings, make sure you have a plan for where to put them in your new home. This means figuring out how much space you have, how many storage areas there are, and what will fit where. Keeping it simple is a good idea when decluttering, and it will help you to avoid overflowing boxes or clutter in your new place. Instead of sifting through every item in your house, try breaking them into categories like books, papers, and memorabilia. You can also use a three boxes card as part of your decluttering strategy, which will help you keep things organized. Box number one is for items you want to keep in your new place, while boxes two and three are for those you’re ready to donate or sell.

Start Early

Decluttering the house before you move can save time and energy on both ends of the process, plus make your move much more pleasant. It also helps you get a better idea of what to pack ahead, so you don’t have to worry about forgetting something important or accidentally overpaying for movers. Start by examining every item you own, and whether or not it’s truly useful, needed or loved. You’ll want to get rid of any items that haven’t been used in a year or more. Next, consider all the kitchen stuff you have — appliances, dishes, pots and pans, cookware, linens, etc. You may be surprised to find that you don’t really use or need some of these things.

Donate Or Sell

When decluttering, it’s important to make sure you donate or sell any items that aren’t useful or will not be used in the new space. This will help you make the transition to a simpler lifestyle and start off on the right foot! There are many charitable organizations that will accept a variety of items, including clothing, books, and electronics. They also provide a tax receipt. And if you’re looking for some extra cash, selling your old items may be a good idea. You’ll get some money for your stuff, and it’s a chance to take control of the situation by finding a home for things that don’t fit in your new place. However, you can’t expect to make a lot of money with this route. It takes a bit of time and effort to price your items, and it can be difficult to find buyers.

How To Survive Your First Few Weeks In A New Home

Young,couple,using,laptop,at,new,home,skeptic,and,nervous,How To Survive Your First Few Weeks In A New Home

The first few weeks in a new environment can be overwhelming, stressful and exhausting. It can also be a time of great transition as you get to know your new surroundings and figure out what it means to live somewhere new. Thankfully, there are a few ways to survive your first few weeks in your new home.

1. Get Organized

When moving into a new home, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by everything that has to be organized. But there are several things you can do to make getting organized in your new home easier and less stressful. First, ask yourself what your goals are for your new space. What do you want it to look and feel like? Once you know what you’re looking for, start by assessing all of the belongings you brought with you. Which items are you going to keep and which should go? You might want to donate some of the more dated or out-of-style belongings that don’t match your vision for your new house. But it’s also important to keep your favorite items that will make your new space more comfortable and functional.

2. Take A Break

One of the best ways to recover from the stressful aspects of moving is to take a break. This can be a short stay-cation, or even spending a few days at home to enjoy some much needed time off. Research shows that taking a break increases productivity. Scientists found that people who took a break before working a task that required concentration for an extended period of time improved their performance by 50%.

3. Get To Know Your New Surroundings

One of the most important parts of settling in to a new home is getting to know your neighbors. While it can be intimidating to meet your neighbors, there are several ways you can make introductions that will help you feel less uncomfortable as time goes on. First and foremost, remember that it’s important to be friendly and genuine! Share a smile with any neighbor you see out and about, and try to stop for a chat when you’re passing each other. Another great way to break the ice is by taking your kids outside. Whether you’re walking around the neighborhood, playing in the park or taking them to their new school, it’s a great chance to introduce yourself and your kids to other neighbors.

4. A Good Night’s Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is the most important thing you can do for your health. It can help you stay alert throughout the day, improve your memory and focus, and even increase your productivity at work! But, it can be difficult to get a good night’s sleep when you’re in a new place. This is called the “First Night Effect.” It’s also not uncommon to feel jitters or anxiety as you settle in to your new space. Keeping some of your usual pre-sleep rituals in place will help you relax and calm down, advises Dr. Weiss. Blue light from electronic devices suppresses melatonin, the hormone that tells your body it’s time to sleep. Turning off the lights and putting away electronics an hour before bedtime will also help you drift off more peacefully.

5. Take Care Of Yourself

As the saying goes, “The best way to take care of others is to take care of yourself.” Self-care is an essential part of maintaining your health and wellbeing. It includes a wide range of practices that promote physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental health. While it’s easy to let self-care fall to the wayside during times of stress, it’s crucial for ensuring your happiness and wellness. Start by determining the areas of your life that cause you the most stress. Then, devise strategies for taking care of these issues. This might mean reducing time spent on certain tasks or developing healthier relationships with others. It could also mean incorporating new activities into your everyday routine or getting professional help when necessary.